Feb. 6-8 2013 – CICG, Geneva, Switzerland

Thank you so much for joining the 8th edition of Lift in Geneva. Over 1000 participants coming from 30 countries, including 70 journalists and bloggers came together to share, connect and create new opportunities. We had a wonderful time and we hope you enjoyed it too, and left inspired and lifted!  Let's follow-up on the ideas that came out of Lift13 and make innovation happen now.

Recap Video


Lift13 in pictures


Engaging formats

Urban Data Challenge

The Venture Night

P&G Start-up Challenge

Interactive Workshops

Inspiring Talks

Röstigraben Express

The Fondue

Experience Exhibition

W.I.R.E. Speed dating

Hot Topics

Resilience and Resistance

What methods and mindsets help us embrace our present realm of VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity?

The Agile Enterprise

Learn how businesses stay lean and nimble in the face of accelerating innovation cycles.

Innovation Drivers XXX

In the true Lift spirit of cross-pollination, what can we learn from the strongest creative industry nobody talks about: adult entertainment.

Reinventing the Crafts - the Future of Jobs Traditions

Discover how leading businesses mix old skills and traditional values with new technologies and contemporary esthetics to become proudly artisanal and globally scalable.

Noise and Speed - Loose Breaks and Failing Filters

Mails, tweets, sounds, images, we are experiencing an age of content explosion and a crisis of relevance. How can we cope without shutting our eyes and ears and inboxes?

Democracy in Distress – Re-engineering Participation

How can democracy survive and develop in an age of global networks and ongoing acceleration?


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