Feb. 4–6 2015 – CICG, Geneva, Switzerland

The Fantastic New World of Mister Higgs

Curated by the Lift community
Wed, Feb. 04 2015 - 15:00 to 17:00
Room 12 (Floor 2)

Workshop: Following a current collaborative project between CERN's IdeaSquare and the HEAD Media Design Masters course, we propose running an interactive workshop that looks at speculative applications from CERN's discoveries and innovations (beyond the WWW). The Break Out will look at how designers can work with scientists to expose and communicate these potential futures. Can they use creative interpretation in all its varieties, the speculative, the poetic, the playful to bring insight and new ways of looking at what CERN's fascinating research programme could mean for us in the future.

Interaction: Interactivity to take place as a series of idea generation groups mediated by CERNers and Media Design students. The groups will generate a series of ideas and discuss their scientific implications and design possibilities.