Opening of international exhibitions in Geneva
Since March 27, 2015, the 14 winning projects of the online data visualization competition Data Canvas: Sense Your City have been online for all to see and explore. The 3 Grand Prize winners have been planning their activities to join the Data Canvas community (Kasper Fangel Skov from Sonic Particles 2.0 will join us in Shanghai and Shenzhen for Lift China 2015) and all have been working hard to prepare their projects for the offline exhibition, providing you with exclusive content.
In parallel, Baptiste Milési (Transmïi Studio), Cassandre Poirier-Simon, Raphaël Munoz (Aprobado Studio) and invited artists from Geneva have designed, with the support of the City of Geneva, an immersive experience for the exhibition called CityCells, including work with ultra-violet light and augmented reality, to take you even deeper into the data.
Come, explore, experience
On April 28, from 18:30 to 22:00, we will officially open the exhibition in Geneva, featuring a short speech by Sami Kanaan, Mayor of the City of Geneva, and some refreshments. Come and meet some of the artists exhibited and members from the Data Canvas team, play with the winning projects and try the immersive experience of CityCells.
On April 29, May 5 and May 6, from 10:00 to 18:00, drop by on your lunch break or afternoon stroll through the old city to discover the exhibit by day.
The entrance to the exhibit and opening are free of charge. The exhibition uses English as the main language but translations into French will be available either as text or provided orally by the staff.
Download the official invitation here.
Practical information
Location: Espace l'Abri, 1 Place de la Madeleine, 2014 Geneva
April 28, 18:30 - 22:00: Exhibition opening
April 29, May 5-6, 10:00 - 22:00: Exhibition