Lift:Youth “Hack your School”
Innovation and entrepreneurship workshop for 11-18 year olds
At Lift:Lab17, we organized Lift:Youth "Hack your school" in partnership with Graines d’Entrepreneurs that brought together students of 11 to 18 years of age to design the future of their educational program! Following the morning co-creation session we had for adults on the Future of Education, the youth co-created their own responses to this challenge.
Supervised by coaches and entrepreneurs, the junior teams experienced the first steps of transforming the best ideas into a true creative project: brainstorming, proposal development, live market research & pitch preparation.
At the end of the day, the kids pitched their projects on the main stage in front of a jury. Their ideas where around the following topics:
- School schedule adapted for teenagers' biological rythm
- More autonomy and responsibility for students in regards to teachers and parents using shared ratings
- A digital desk that could stock books and papers so they don't have to carry them around on their back
- More compelling and interesting classes: how to tackle boredom
- Combining sport activities and practical learning (winning project)
This winning group was very eclectic, with young boys and girls from different ages and neighbourhoods. They quickly arrived to a same finding: they don't do sport enough at school. Their response to this problematic was to create a bi-annual sport tournament with all of Geneva's schools, including the youth in the organisation process of the tournaments to provide them with a practical exercice for their school subjects like Maths (for results calculation, space needed...) or French (for documentation).
A fun and exciting adventure for all of us!