Maximilian Janisch, born in 2003, started his school career at the age of 6 years. He has completed the six years of mandatory Swiss primary school after three years. Now, at the age of 11, he attends the senior high school (Gymnasium Immensee) as a freshman. Two years ago, he passed the Swiss Matura (the AP final exam) in mathematics as the best of all students of his school.
The University of Zürich has set up a special project to support his mathematical education in the framework of Euler Society. Roughly speaking: He is the youngest Swiss university student of all times. His mentor is Camillo de Lellis, a well known scientist who has been awarded several important scientific prizes (see Wikipedia). Maximilian has already passed the first half year exams. He is a lecturer of higher mathematics at Diplomero, an internet platform providing paid lessons mainly for students.
Therefore, he has experiences of unconventional learning strategies from both sides of the medal: as a pupil as well as a teacher. First of December, he has published his autobiography describing his adventures in the high school and university systems of Switzerland providing also a critical message from the other side of the moon.