Blockchain & Energy
The workshop in Geneva on "Blockchain & Energy" kicked off in Geneva on November 24 with a focus on the “future of energy”, and more particularly on energy transition and emerging technologies potential applications. The event brought together over 20 participants from various backgrounds. The aim was to explore the vast field of energy distributed systems from the blockchain principles and technology's perspective.
The workshop came in two main parts:
- An open knowledge sharing time around DAISEE with Samira Rabaâoui, Rieul Techer and Nicolas Loubet. The purpose was to demystify the blockchain technologies and insist on the importance of designing the transition(s) to enable participants to appropriate what has been done within the DAISEE scope to then prototype solutions answering practical needs. The DAISEE open research program, co-produced by La MYNE and Cellabz aims at working on the various bricks for building the “Internets of Energy” with people who consider “Energy as a common(s)”.
- A workshop session divided along the fields of interest of the participants. The discussions were centered around the emergence of fully autonomous and distributed infrastructures and their associated field of experimentation.

Teams worked in two groups around two main topics :
- One focused on the usage side of the energy, and more specifically on the relevance of building a distributed energy data infrastructure to engage citizens and facilitate the appropriation of energy. The aim was to define how to experiment innovative practice around energy usage data.
- The other one focused on the technological side of the hybridization between emerging technologies such as blockchain technologies. The aim was to reveal key issues around the concept and practical development of DAISEE and how to overcome those issues. The team focused on “management and stability of the electrical grid”, and “benefits and limitations of the Blockchain technology”.
We concluded the day with a pitch from the two teams during which they had the opportunity to present their work and get feedbacks from the other participants. The day after the workshop, the outcome of the workshop was presented at Federation des Entreprises Romandes.
Thanks a lot to our great partners at Republic and Canton of Geneva, Geneva University, Cellabz, La MYNE and DAISEE; and especially to Samira Rabaâoui, Nicolas Loubet and Rieul Techer for their great contribution and moderation! Stay tuned for other recaps about the other great Urban Entrepreneurs workshops! Want to see more from Geneva ? Check out the photos here, and for the storify click here!