Today, games are used to bring new meanings to old systems. This interactive workshop will introduce a new way of engaging play and reality, through the short, intense playtesting of a game in development.
The Postmodern Kamikaze is a game of subversion based on a simulacrum of sacrifice. Part Live Action role-playing game, part activism, The Postmodern Kamikaze is an experiment in game design and play. In a world where the Biopolice has won, how can we manifest our refusal to conform ? As a member of a secret society, will you be the one to destroy society, will you try to protect what's left from the assault of a new radical philosophy ? Or will you just stay silent ?
This 2 hours workshop will be the first playtest of the game, that will be published next year by Les Editions Volumiques. Come with an open-mind and a willingness to engage in a strange experiment that could possibly go wrong. A debrief session will help us understand the lessons and implications of using games to deal with contemporary issues.
Limited seating !
If you are interested, bring your own material to create postmodern wounds and scars (scotch, bandages, red and blackmarkers, stickers etc…).