At the crossroads between technological innovation, economic mutations and social transformations, lie the next disruptions that you simply cannot afford to ignore: Transformative opportunities, Really hard questions, Discontinuities and Tipping points. During this workshop, we will try to identify a few possible disruptions and what they could mean for all of us.
No crystal ball is required, nor provided. We will build up on a yearly process of creative and collective foresight initiated by Fing, called "Questions Numériques" ("Digital Issues").
16 initial scenarios (in English) will be submitted to the workshop participants ahead of time. Out of these, you will select 4-5 stories, to be torn down / rewritten / continued / evaluated / and translated into concrete action.
The results will be published online. They will be open for sharing and comments. And they will initiate an ongoing collaborative process of creative foresight from one Lift to the next.