Ever dreamt of leading a workshop or masterclass at a Lift conference? Want to discover and engage with the Chinese innovation ecosystems as part of the Lift community?
At Lift, we always keep a part of the program open to our community. Your knowledge and skills deserve to be shared! Join us this coming June 16-21 in Shanghai (and Shenzhen for the Maker Faire) and interact directly with our top-notch participants, working on a subject of YOUR CHOICE.
Submit your workshop/masterclass proposals! You have until April 26 to send us your ideas.
Our editorial board will review them and let you know if you have been selected in the coming weeks.
To get some inspiration on what we are looking for, have a look at the workshops held last year during Lift China as well as this recap video:
This year, we have identified the following broad themes that we will talk about. Feel free to add to these with your workshop/masterclass ideas or suggest something new:
- Drones for good - how unmanned flying vehicles can help us during catastrophes and everyday life
- Citizen sensing for urban change - how grassroots projects can empower us to shape our environment and increase our quality of life
- Applied and interactive design - how design and its principles can be applied to/combine with technology to help us understand the world
- Innovation cycles in China - how business models and innovations processes are evolving in the East
- Smartwatches and manufacture - how China can leverage its manufacturing skills to compete on the global market of wearables (and more)
We look forward to reading your creative and innovative ideas! Don't forget to send them until April 26.