Tuesday October 15
Lift Conference
09:30 - Opening speech
- Daniel Kaplan (Fing), Sylvie Reinhard and Nicolas Nova (Lift)

10:00 - Will makers reinvent manufacturing?
What if the open and bottom-up innovation models that characterize the Internet were to apply to manufacturing, to retail, to cities, to biotechs...? Veronique Routin and Fabien Eychenne (Fing) report on a 1-year expedition at the frontiers of manufacturing and design.
- Veronique Routin and Fabien Eychenne (Fing)

10:45 - Break
11:15 - A new manufacturing ecosystem
Can garage innovation apply to physical objects, places, hardware? Can it grow to large-scale manufacturing? The gap between individual makers, fab labs and industrial manufacturing is filling up fast.
- Tanya Menendez, Markersrow
- Olivier Mevel, Readiymate

12:00 - Big Industry Meets Makers
What can major industrial firms learn from makers? How can they benefit from Fab Labs, agile methods, amateur communities? How can new forms of collaboration benefit both sides?
- Alain Fontaine, President, Airbus Innovation Cell France
- Marie-Noeline Viguie, Nod-a

12:45 - Lunch Break
14:30 - “The process is the message”: What else changes when design processes change
What happens when industrial design, prototyping and manufacturing tools become available to more people, when designs become shareable, when hardware becomes “open”? What new concepts, things, services, machines, might emerge? How does it change our relation to technology, to stuff? How does it feed into education?
- Asa Calow, Madlabs
- Pierpaolo Andriani, Kedge Business School
- Sénamé K. Agbodjinou, Replab

16:00 - Break
16:40 - A whole new look at robots

17:00 - Policies for Open digital fabrication, design, & Fab Labs

17:30 - Wrapup

18:15 - Special session : "Transform Learning!"
In association with Kedge Business School
- Pierre-Guy Hourquet, Kedge Business School
- Frédéric Bardeau, simplon.co
- Josiane Gain, University Relations Manager

19:30 - Cocktail

Lift Experience
> Free access (limited to 250 simultaneous visitors)
Lift Experience occupies Villa Mediterranee's exhibition space to stage tomorrow's disruptive innovations, weird machines and unexpected objects that entrepreneurs, students, designers, artists and researchers have in store (or in mind) for us.

Wall of Temptation
The Wall of Temptation is an interactive, participative worldwide art project. Can you resist Temptation ? Will you be the first ones to build the Wall in a world where the only value has become money ? In a dedicated space at the top of Villa Mediterranee, Clara Feder will challenge us to resist temptation.
Wednesday, October 16

“Digital Disruptions” Mass Workshop
09h00 - 17h00
At the intersection of technological innovation, economic change and social transformation, what "Digital Disruptions" will exert their influence in the coming years? Take part in Fing’s yearly collective and creative foresight cyle, “Digital Disruptions”.
The theme of this year’s edition is “Digital Controversies”. Digital technology and its uses have always been at the heart of major controversies which highlight research issues, political choices, social risks, and business opportunities. Does digital technology dehumanise or does it create new social bonds? Does it create more jobs than it destroys? Should we teach computing to all children? Can the Net be neutral? Does intellectual property stifle digital innovation? Does privacy belong to the past?
On October 16, we will take one step beyond current controversies, and together imagine what digital controversies will shape our future: on what topics, along which lines, will stakeholders conflict in the coming years? How could these future controversies open up new possibilities, new uncertainties and new strategic choices?
As is the case every year, this collective work will be edited into a reference yearbook, freely accessible online.

Lift for Youth
14h30 - 16h00
Because today's youth will have to raise up to tomorrow's challenges, Lift for Youth condenses the Lift Conference into a suitable format for college students.

Lift Experience
> Free access (limited to 250 simultaneous visitors)
Lift Experience occupies Villa Mediterranee's exhibition space to stage tomorrow's disruptive innovations, weird machines and unexpected objects that entrepreneurs, students, designers, artists and researchers have in store (or in mind) for us.

Wall of Temptation
The Wall of Temptation is an interactive, participative worldwide art project. Can you resist Temptation ? Will you be the first ones to build the Wall in a world where the only value has become money ? In a dedicated space at the top of Villa Mediterranee, Clara Feder will challenge us to resist temptation.

6 Minutes of Serendipity
18h00 - 21h00
> Access is free, but you need to register separately!
"6 Minutes of Serendipity" will highlight 10 amazing innovative projects that draw upon the wealth and diversity of Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur's innovation ecosystems. Selection criteria are entirely based on user value; they welcome startups as well as social innovators, mature as well as very early-stage projects. The event's format (ten 6-minute presentations, followed by direct interactions with the projects) is destined to facilitate intellectual as well as personal connexions.